Sabado, Enero 30, 2016


The computer as a tutor

      The computer one of the wonders of human ingenuity, even in its original design in the1950's to carry out complicated mathematical and logical operations. with the invention of the microcomputer ( now also commonly referred to a PC or personal computers) the PC has become the tool for programmed instruction.

       Educators saw much use of the PC. It has become affordable to small business, industries and homes. They saw its potential for individualization in learning is a problem since teachers usually with the class of forty one or more learners. they therefore devised strategies to use the computer to break the barriers to individualized instructions.

Computer - assisted instructional ( CAI)
        The computer can be a tutor in effect relieving the teacher of many activities in has personal roles as classroom tutor. It Should be made clear however that the computer cannot totally replace the teacher since the teacher shall continue to play the major roles of information deliverer and learning environment controller. Even with the available and CAI software the teacher must.
Decide the appropriate learning objectives.
Plan the sequential and structured activities to achieve objectives.
Evaluate the student's achievement by ways of tests the specific expected outcomes.

On the other hand the students n CA play their own roles as learners as they:
Receive Information
Understand instructions for the computer activity.
Retain /keep in mind the Information and rules for the computer activity.
Apply the knowledge and rules during the process of computer learning.
During the computer activity proper in CAI the computer too plays ts role as it:
Acts as sort of tutor ( the role traditional played by the teacher )
Provides a learning environment.
Delivers learning information.
Reinforces learning through drill - and - practice.

Provides feedback

           Today educators accept the fact the computer has indeed succeeded in proving an individualized learning environment so difficult for a teacher handling the whole classes. This is so since the computer is able to allow individual students to learn at their own pace motivate learning through immediate feedback during the learning process and also given the total score to evaluate the student's total performance.

  CAI Integrated with Lessons
         CAI computer learning should not stop with the drill and practice activities of students. in effect CAI beat in reinforcing learning through repetitive exercises such that students can practice basic skills or knowledge in various subject.

   While practice exercise or learning - by - doing is still the heart of each tutorial the tutorial software should be able to:
Teach new content / new information to students ( as CAI provides practice on old or already learned content.)
Provide comprehensive information on concepts in additional to practice exercises.
Call be effectively used for remediation reviewing or enrichment.
Allow the teacher to introduce follow - up questions to stimulate students learning.
Permits group activity for cooperative learning.


        Simulation software materials are another kind of software that is constructivist in nature. These simulation program are:
Teaches strategies and rules applied to real - life problems / situation.
Ass students to make decision on models or scenarios.
Allows students to manipulate elements of a model and get the experience of the effects of their decisions.
     An example of such  software is SIM CITY  in which students are allowed to artificially manage city given an imaginary city environment.


                     While relating to low level learning objectives instructional computer games add the elements of competition and challenge.
      An example's  GeoSafari which introduces adventure activities for Geography History and Science.

                      These are more  sophisticated allowed than the drill and practice exercises and allow students to learn and improve on  their problem solving activity.
       The thinking problem solving software in which the team learners must help each other by observing and comparing.

                       The multimedia Encyclopedia can store a huge database with text, images animation, audio and video.An example is eyewitness Children's Encyclopedia.



          - Instructional media consist of audio- visual aids that served to enhance and enriched the teaching learning process. Examples are the blackboard photo film and video. On the other hand educat7onal commun8caton media comprise the media of communication to audiences including learners using the print, film, radio, and televisions or satellite means of communication For examples distance learning were implemented using correspondence, radio, televisions or the computer satellite system.

              Programs normally installed n an ordinary modern PC: 
  • Microsoft Office - Program for composing text, graphics, photos into letters,articles, reports etc.

  • Power - point - For preparing lecture presentations.

  • Excel - For spreadsheets and similar graphic sheets.

  • Internet Explorer - access to the internet.

  • Yahoo or Google - Websites, e- mail chat rooms, blog sites, news services, ( print video ), educational software etc.

  • Adobe Reader - Graphics photo composition and editing.

  • MSN - mail / chat messaging.

  • Windows Media Player - CD VIDEO player editing film / video.

  • Cyber Link power - DVD player.

  • Game House - video game. 

            - The use of ICT has become an integral part of our society. Manly the computer the internet and social media had become a huge part n different aspects of the society: economy, industry, and education . In teaching. ICT is very useful in the sense that information and communication are important elements in teaching as a teacher we share and give information to our students during instructions and to be able to deliver the information effective communication is important . Through the use of ICT teachers and students can share and communicate information outside the classroom environment. It can be a tool for information  gathering storing and communicating . The vast capabilities of the computer and ICT are useful and essential in the world today for it can shrink the global world and we can easily connect different people from distance.


              - The are four  types of  IT - based projects which can effectively be used in order to engage students n activities of a higher plane of thinking.

Key Elements

  1. The teacher creating learning environment.
  2. The teacher giving the students tool and facilities.
  3. The teacher facilitating learning.

Four IT-Based Projects

I. The Resource- based project - the teacher steps out of the traditional role of being an content expert and information provider, and intend lets the student find their own facts and information.

The General Flows of events in Resource-Based Projects

  1. The teacher determines the topic for the examination of the class.
  2. The teacher presents the problem to the class.
  3. The students find information on the problem/questions.
  4. Student's organize their information in response to the problem/questions.
Traditional and Resource-Based Learning

Traditional Learning Model
Resource based learning projects
Teacher is expert and information provide
Teacher is a guide and facilitator
Textbook is key source of information
Sources are varied (print, video, Internet, etc.)
Focus on facts information is packaged in neat parcels
Focus on learning inquiry, quest, or discovery
The product is the be-all and end-all of learning
Emphasis on process
Assessment is quantitative
Assessment is quantitative and qualitative

II. Simple Creations- in developing software, creativity as an outcome should not be equated with ingenuity or high intelligence. Creating is more consonant with planning, making, assembling, designing or building.
Three kinds of Skills/Abilities:
  1. Analyzing- distinguishing similarities and differences/ seeing the problem as a problem to be solved.
  2. Synthesizing- making spontaneous connections among ideas, does generating interesting or new ideas.
  3. Promoting- selling of a new ideas to allow the public to test the ideas themselves.
The Five key task to develop creativity:
  1. Define the task- clarify the goal of the completed project to the student.
  2. Brainstorm- the students themselves will be allowed to generate their own ideas on the project.
  3. Judge the ideas- the students themselves make an appraisal for or against any idea.
  4. Act- the students do their work with the teacher a facilitator.
  5. Adopt Flexibility- the students should be allowed to shift gears and not follow an action path rigidly.

III. Guided Hypermedia Projects- the production of self-made multimedia projects can be approached into different ways:

  1. Instructive tool - such as in the production by students of a power point presentation of selective topic.
  2. Constructive tools - such as when students do a multi - media presentation ( with text, graphs, photos, audio, narration.
IV.Web - based projects
                Students can be made to create and post web pages on a given topic but creating new pages, even single page web pages, maybe tool sophisticated  and time consuming fort the average student.


     Evaluation of Technology in Learning  

- The standard student evaluation of learning must change. This is justified by the fact  that not only   has the new generation changed into digital learners but  the traditional world has metamorphosed into a digital world. Teachers must adopt a new mindset both instructional and evaluation. Evaluation must be geared to assessment of essential knowledge and skills so that learners can function effectively, productively,  and creatively in a new world. t must use evaluative tools that measure the new basic skills of the 21st century digital culture namely: solution fluency, information fluency, collaboration fluency, media fluency, creativity, fluency and digital citizenship. These six fluencies reflect process skills. On the other hand the change n evaluation approach s referred to a mass amateurization, a term which implies a mass reach of student outputs.

This why the standard student evaluation of learning must change


             C - Creativity
             H - Higher level thinking
             A - Amateurization
             N - New basic skills
             G - Generation
             E Evaluation


               -  As a future teacher students our teacher and we wants to be flexible analytical and creative in our way of teaching in teaching process. Teachers facilitate and evaluate us with the use of technology learning. For attaining the goals of teacher and student teaching process the evaluation of technology learning helps us to now the use of computer- based technologies as an integral support to higher learning process. in our modern world of teaching. digital technologies is very important tool especially in educational technology subject. We use technology not only for fun but also for academic purposes. Now a day many efficient teachers use the modern technologies in computing grades power point presentation with the help of educational media. The learning from verbal- text to digital world is become complex in the old generation compare in to the new generations who equip in the use of modern technology. Although some teacher in rural areas of school. The use of digital in teaching is fewer above them all the most important thing in evaluation of technology learning s the proper way of usage of educational media and learn to use and evaluate the outcomes.


  -Teacher adjusts their teaching to effectively match the new digital world of information and communication .technology they must on what basic knowledge and values need to develop by digital learners. These basic learners. These basic  literacies will not replace thec3R'S but they will be complemented by six essential to equip students they call them literacy skills referred to fluency are:

  1. Solution fluency - refer to capacity and creativity in problem solving.
  2. Information fluency - involves 3 submits skills which is ability to access, retrieve and reflect information.
  3. Collaboration - refer to team work with virtual or real partners n online environment.
  4. Media fluency - refers to channel of mass communication.
  5. Creativity fluency - which s artistic proficiency adds meaning by way of design, art and storytelling to package a message.
  6. Digital - s guided by principles of leaderships, global responsibility, environmental awareness global citizenship and personal accountability.
                      - Bloom's taxonomy serves as general framework of skills
that requires information processing idea creation world problem- solving skills. The following taxonomy may be proposed.
  1. Remembering recall information.
  2. Understanding explain idea.
  3. Applying - use information in a new way.
  4. Analyzing- distinguish different parts.
  5. Evaluating - justify stand or position.
  6. Creating - new product point of view.

       The structured problem solving - process known as 4D's also exemplifies the instructional shift n digital learning.
  • Define the problem.
  • Design the solution.
  • Do the work.
  • Debrief on the outcome.
        Definitely, the six fluency skills (Solution, information ,collaboration ,media and digital ethics) are vital; to digital learners of today's era. There s a need for them to acquire and equip these skills n order to adjust and face the overwhelming challenges brought by modern  technology specifically n learning process. On the contrary, teachers must adjust there teaching to effectively match that new digital world information and communication technology (ICT). They should be flexible and creative n searching new ways to efficiently utilize and develop the basic digital skills which students truly need. Moreover, the new era opens the way for complex and higher cognitive skills. Therefore, Bloom's Taxonomy of Thinking skills must be developed.

Martes, Enero 19, 2016

Lesson 5 Preferences of Technology Generation


  • Our parents read book texts, enriched by illustrations and photos.In order to research they go to the school library, use the cart catalog for needed books, and sign up to borrow books for home reading. The technology  or digital generation has greater affinity to visuals compared with texts.

  • The past 30 years old generation has obtained information in a linear logical and sequential manner.On the positive side, this has made them more logical, focused, and reflective thinkers.

  • The traditional education system gives priority to independent learning, prior to participative work. New learners, however, are already acquainted with digital tools that adopt both personal and participative work.

  • Old teachers teach Students in order to help them past the test and complete the course requirement . n the other hand, The new digital learners simply wish to acquire skills, knowledge and habits as windows of opportunity afford them to learn.

  • The traditional  reward system in education  consists in the grades, honor certificates/ medals, and diplomas. On the other hand, digital learners on their own experience more immediate gratification through immediate scores from games.

  • Teachers feel obliged to delivering content based courses, the learning of which is measurable by standard texts. Digital learners prefer for learning which is relevant and instantaneously useful  to them. Learning is play to new learners and not surprisingly there is which fun in the digital world outside the school.

Lesson 4 Bridging the Generation Gap

    GAP- The older generation often feels a generation gap between them and the younger generation. This is apparent in simple things like the manner of dressing, socializing, more intimate relationships like friendship and marrying etc. Even in education, Traditional schooling has hardly changed even with the clear evidence of a digital world.


  • Dressing
  • Socializing
  • Intimate relationships friendship and marrying
    First, we need to understand the potentials of ICT
  • The new network of instantaneous communication is global, overcoming borders between countries and continents.
  • Much of what elders believe may not be applicable anymore to the new generations, especially along matters of traditional value systems.
  • Alvin Toffler's book,Future Shocks, show how the information age has begun to create many cultural changes in the family, Societies, businesses, governments such as what he calls throw- away society, modular man, kinetic image, scientific trajectory, Fractured family, surfeit of sub- cults, psychological dimensions.
  • Flow of information
  • Communication
  • Methods of teaching
  • Before

  • Now

  • Before

  • Now

  • Before

  • Now

  • Before

  • Now

  • Before

  • Now

  • Before 

  • Now

Lesson 3 Understanding Technology Learners

             Our teachers today generally  use the  traditional education program applicable to learners of the past, acquainted with linear, Textual and sequential learning. They fail to realize that the new generation of the 21st millennium is not the kind of learner that they were, but are information technology or digital learners:

              The 21st century education is going to be empowered by digital learners pretty soon as the beginning is coming.

  • 53% of student use a smart phone and are connected and prefer the internet.
  • 78% of the students believe and prefer learning through technology.
               Even in classes, their concentration is questionable as they are uneasy to simply sit and listen. They become alive again through video presentations, group activities and computer classes.
               Information Technology learners ( Digital Learners) -  A video is presented in discussing the characteristics of a digital learner.

          21st Century Learning is done with: 
  • COLLABORATION - Learning how to work with others to achieve a common purpose. students with them as well as presenting the knowledge the knowledge and abilities they have to come up with a product solution.

  • COMMUNICATION -  Students use mobile devices to discuss content they are learning with others, Set goals for themselves, and share new concepts The lines of communication new become multi- dimensional beyond the classroom.

  • CRITICAL THINKING- helps to construct a firm foundation for personalized learning In many classroom, teachers don't provide the time necessary for critical thinking in order to develop original solutions to problems. Many of the problems that are provided to students also have only one possible right or wrong answer and don't encourage true critical thinking.

  • CREATIVITY- Students make use of their imagination as well as technologies to create new things. To think beyond things.